About BJS
BJS is published on behalf of the BJS Society Ltd by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The Journal’s influence and standing has grown over the years through the ownership of its registered charity, the BJS Society. The Society’s objectives are to advance and improve education in surgery and to diffuse knowledge on new and improved methods of teaching and practising surgery in all its branches. It does this primarily through the promotion of the Journal but it has also developed strategic European partnerships. The BJS Council of Management is drawn mainly from these partner surgical associations whose relationship has increased the Journal profile and broadened its attraction globally. The Council is proud of the quality of the journal, the content of which is further enhanced by a hands-on approach by its editorial team in improving submitted manuscripts and the journal content.
BJS is the premier peer-reviewed surgical journal in Europe and one of the top surgical periodicals in the world, with an impact factor of 5.586. Its international readership is reflected in the prestigious international Editorial Board, supported by a panel of over 1200 reviewers worldwide.
BJS features the very best in clinical and laboratory-based research on all aspects of general surgery and related topics. BJS has a tradition of publishing high-quality papers in breast, upper GI, lower GI, vascular, endocrine and surgical sciences.
Content includes Leading Articles, Reviews, Original Research Articles, Systematic Reviews, Meta-analyses and Randomized Clinical Trials.
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Meet our Editorial TeamImpact factor
Impact factor of 5.586
Ranked #8
Ranked number 8 of 203 in the ISI category of Surgery
22 days
Median of 22 days from submission to first decision
250 articles
Around 250 articles published per year
Over 600,000 downloads
Over 600,000 article downloads per years
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The Editor-in-Chief manages the day-to-day running of BJS, regulating copy flow, handling individual manuscripts, and ensuring each issue is published on time and to the highest standards.

J. J. Earnshaw, Gloucester, UK
Editorial Team
The BJS Editors handle individual manuscripts in their surgical specialty. They work closely with authors to ensure the published manuscript is of the highest quality.

Editor (Lower GI)
J. Beynon, Swansea, UK

Editor (HPB)
C. H. C. Dejong, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Editor (Vascular)
R. J. Hinchliffe, Bristol, UK

Editor (Upper GI and HPB)
K. Søreide, Stavanger, Norway

Editor (Breast and Endocrine)
M. Sund, Umeå, Sweden

Editor (Upper GI)
B. P. L. Wijnhoven, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Editor (Lower GI)
D. C. Winter, Dublin, Ireland

Editor (Lower GI)
M. D. Evans, Swansea, UK

Statistical Editor
J. A. Cook, Oxford, UK

Statistical Editor
J. Ranstam, Lund, Sweden
BJS Council
A. Bergenfelz, Lund, Sweden
S. Post, Mannheim, Germany
Company Secretary:
J. Mayol, Madrid, Spain
M. G. Wyatt, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
S. J. Wigmore, Edinburgh, UK
R. Baigrie, Capetown, South Africa
J. Balibrea, Barcelona, Spain (Spanish Society for Surgical Research)
M. Besselink, The Netherlands
C. Bruns, Cologne, Germany
S. Breitenstein, Winterthur, Switzerland (Swiss Society of Surgery)
G. Carlson, Manchester, UK
N. Demartines, Lausanne, Switzerland
O. Farges, Paris, France
C. Jönsson, Gothenburg, Sweden (Swedish Surgical Society)
P. Lai, Hong Kong, China
A. Montgomery, Malmo, Sweden
D. Morton, Birmingham, UK
V. Papalois, London, UK (Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland)
M. Sarr, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
D. Scott-Coombes, Cardiff, UK
BJS Editorial Board
E. Angenete, Sweden
M. Barczynski, Poland
D. Bartsch, Germany
G. Beets, Netherlands
G. Belli, Italy
S. Biondi, Spain
M. Björck, Sweden
N. Blencowe, Bristol
M. Bown, UK
J. Brockmann, Switzerland
C. Buskens, The Netherlands
D. Cherqui, France
S. Connor, New Zealand
A. Davies, UK
A. de Beaux, UK
M. de Oliviera, Zurich
S. di Saverio, Italy
F. Dick, Switzerland
D. Doll, South Africa/Germany
A. Escamilla Ortiz, Mexico
J. Fawcett, Australia
C. Ferrone, USA
D. Flum, USA
P. Friend, UK
I. Garcia-Alonso,Spain
T. Grantcharov, Canada
J. Hallet, Canada
N. Hiki, Japan
J. Holcomb, USA
M. Iacobone, Italy
J. Izbicki, Germany
C. Knowles, London
S. Ko, Japan
H. Kørner, Norway
K. Lassen, Norway
J. Laukkarinen, Finland
A Leppaniemi, Finland
E. Lopez Gavito, Mexico
P. Losty, UK
M. Makuuchi, Japan
J. Manjer, Swede
J. Manson, UK
A. Martling, Sweden
E. Moreno-Paquentin, Mexico
R. Morgan, UK
D. Nepogodiev, UK
T. Pawlik, USA
R. Pearse, UK
M. Pera, Spain
L. Prodehl, South Africa
X. Rogiers, Belgium
I. Schipper, The Netherlands
A. Siriwardena, UK
M. Smithers, Australia
A. Tuchmann, Austria
J. van Lanschot, The Netherlands
C. Vollmer, USA
D. Watson, Australia
T. Weiser, USA
J. Windsor, New Zealand