Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
The Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) was founded in 1920 by a group of leading surgeons of the day. The founding objectives of the Association, therefore, were twofold – the advancement of the science and art of surgery and the promotion of friendship amongst surgeons; these objectives remain the same today.
The ASGBI is the SAC defined specialty association for General Surgery. ASGBI’s umbrella status for the general surgical specialty associations and societies is reflected in the structure of its Council and Committees. The Presidents, or their designated representatives, of the following societies are full members of Council:
• Association of Breast Surgery
• Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
• Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons
• Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
• British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons
• British Transplantation Society
• The Vascular Society
• Society of Academic and Research Surgery
• The Armed Forces
ASGBI is, therefore, the only organisation covering General Surgery and all the specialties throughout the UK and Ireland. We are best placed to reconcile the needs of the developing specialities with the requirement to provide an emergency surgical service.
In terms of communicating with our members, ASGBI publishes a monthly e-zine from the President, which disseminates information on what the Association is working on, current events of potential interest to members, and more. We also produce a biannual journal which includes articles from well-respected surgeons on issues of current interest, and our summer edition contains a comprehensive rundown on the International Surgical Congress. ASGBI continues to publish the Issues in Professional Practice booklets on an ad hoc basis, which prove to be a useful reference point for professionals working across the surgical field. ASGBI are currently working to develop a new Members area of their website with new features allowing for easy renewals of subscriptions and enhanced event booking, as well as and E Learning area which will provide a resource for education and CPD material e.g. videos from our annual conference.
Visit the ASGBI website
Follow us on Twitter @ASGBI
ASGBI International Surgical Congress
Each year the ASGBI proudly holds its annual scientific meeting and, by collaborating with sub-specialty surgical associations, it is believed to be the largest gathering of surgeons this side of the Atlantic. The ASGBI International Surgical Congress brings together delegates from all over the UK, Europe and further afield, and puts on an exciting scientific programme as well as social events to promote networking and friendship amongst surgeons. The scientific programme features symposia, state-of-the-art lectures given by internationally acclaimed speakers, educational workshops and an industry exhibition, which appeal to all substantive and trainee surgeons, providing vital CPD to support appraisal and revalidation.
Abstracts from each meeting are published online in the BJS: