Snapshot quiz (October 2021 [2])
A 45-year-old woman presented with decreased mouth opening, foul smell from the oral cavity and a chain of nodular swellings over chin, neck and chest region for 3 months. These had increased in size and number over the past month. Dimpling over her left cheek and scar marks over her neck and chin region were also noted. What is the diagnosis?
ViewScientific Surgery
Authors: Park JW, Kang S-B, Hao J, Lim S-B, Choi HS, Kim D-W et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Rovers KP, Bakkers C, Nienhuijs SW, Burger JWA, Creemers G-JM, Thijs AMJ et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Yang H, Liu H, Chen Y, Zhu C, Fang W, Yu Z et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Van Workum F, Verstegen MHP, Klarenbeek BR, Bouwense SAW, van Berge Henegouwen MI, Daams F et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Kemeny NE, Chou JF, Capanu M, Chatila WK, Shi H, Sanchez-Vega F et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Wang H, Tang H, Fang Y, Tan L, Yin J, Shen Y et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Gnant M, Fitzal F, Rinnerthaler G, Steger GS, Greil-Ressler S, Balic M et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Tutt ANJ, Garber JE, Kaufman B, Viale G, Fumagalli D, Rastogi P et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Nuytens F, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS, Meunier B, Gagnière J, Collet D, D’Journo XB et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Adamson DA, Byrne A, Porter C, Blazeby J, Griffiths G, Nelson A et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Kono K, Misawa K, Yabusaki H, Kinoshita T, Lau PC, Kim YW et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Zhu D, Xia J, Gu Y, Lin J, Ding K, Zhou B et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Dupont E, Tsangaris T, Garcia-Cantu C, Howard-McNatt M, Chiba A, Berger AC et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Rahbari NN, Birgin E, Bork U, Mehrabi A, Reißfelder C, Weitz J et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Lu J, Zheng C-H, Xu B-B, Xie J-W, Wang J-B, Lin J-X et al.
Snapshot quiz (May 2021 [1])
An 84-year-old man presented to the acute surgical intake with a rapidly growing painless lesion on the chest wall. He had an implantable pacemaker and defibrillator inserted a year previously. What is the diagnosis and management?
ViewScientific Surgery
Authors: Meyerhardt JA, Shi Q, Fuchs CS, Meyer J, Niedzwiecki D, Zemla T et al.