This is the Scientific Surgery Archive, which contains all randomized clinical trials in surgery that have been identified by searching the top 50 English language medical journal issues since January 1998. Compiled by Jonothan J. Earnshaw, former Editor-in-Chief, BJS
An atlas of muscle pathology in neuromuscular diseases. By J. Godwin Greenfield, M.D., G. Milton Shy, M.D., Ellsworth C. Alvord, jun., M.D., and Leonard Berg, M.D. From the Department of Health, Education and Welfare; Public Health Service; National Institutes of Health; National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, Bethesda 14, Maryland, U.S.A. 10 × 7 in. Pp. 104 + xii, fully illustrated, with many coloured plates. 1957. Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 45s. BJS 1957; 45: 108-108.
Published: 5th December 2005