The international surgical journal with global reach

This is the Scientific Surgery Archive, which contains all randomized clinical trials in surgery that have been identified by searching the top 50 English language medical journal issues since January 1998. Compiled by Jonothan J. Earnshaw, former Editor-in-Chief, BJS

Outcomes after prophylactic gastrectomy for hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. BJS 2018; 105: e176-e182.

Published: 17th January 2018

Authors: R. T. van der Kaaij, J. P. van Kessel, J. M. van Dieren, P. Snaebjornsson, O. Balagué, F. van Coevorden et al.


Patients with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer and a CDH1 mutation have a 60–80 per cent lifetime risk of developing diffuse gastric cancer. Total prophylactic gastrectomy eliminates this risk, but is associated with considerable morbidity. The effectiveness (removal of all gastric mucosa) and outcomes of this procedure were evaluated retrospectively.


All consecutive individuals undergoing a prophylactic gastrectomy for a CDH1 mutation or gastric signet ring cell foci at the authors' institute between 2005 and 2017 were included.


In 25 of 26 patients, intraoperative frozen‐section examination (proximal resection margin) was used to verify complete removal of gastric mucosa. All definitive resection margins were free of gastric mucosa, but only after the proximal margin had been reresected in nine patients. In the first year after surgery, five of the 26 patients underwent a relaparotomy for adhesiolysis (2 patients) or jejunostomy‐related complications (3 patients). Six patients were readmitted to the hospital within 1 year for nutritional and/or psychosocial support (4 patients) or surgical reintervention (2 patients). Mean weight loss after 1 year was 15 (95 per cent c.i. 12 to 18) per cent. For the 25 patients with a follow‐up at 1 year or more, functional complaints were reported more frequently at 1 year than at 3 months after the operation: bile reflux (15 versus 11 patients respectively) and dumping (11 versus 7 patients). The majority of patients who worked or studied before surgery (15 of 19) had returned fully to these activities within 1 year.


The considerable morbidity and functional consequences of gastrectomy should be considered when counselling individuals with an inherited predisposition to diffuse gastric cancer. Intraoperative frozen‐section examination is recommended to remove all risk‐bearing gastric mucosa.

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