2019 BJS Instructions to Authors

BJS publishes Original Research Articles, Reviews, Meta-analyses, Systematic Reviews and Randomized Clinical Trials, all of which undergo rigorous peer review.
Submit your manuscript

To submit your article to BJS please follow the link below to take you to ScholarOne Manuscripts. Please ensure you have read the Instructions to Authors in detail first.
Author resources

A wealth of information is available to authors to help you prepare, submit, publish and promote your research.
Submit your Snapshot in Surgery

The BJS publishes stand-alone illustrations within the pages of the Journal. These are presented in a quiz format, details of which can be found in section 1g of the Instructions to Authors.
Open Science

We support the growing movement to make science more open, because this leads to a fairer, more efficient and accountable research landscape, which will ultimately drive a more effective and faster pace of discovery. We are focused on five areas of open science, working with a number of partners to offer you the best possible publishing experience.
Ethics guidelines

Our aim for these guidelines is to support all those involved in scholarly publishing with a summary of best practice guidance from leading organizations around the world.
English language editing service

There should be no barriers to getting your research published, yet manuscripts are often returned for English language and formatting issues. We can provide you with expert help to ensure your manuscript is ready for submission.

Thousands of conversations about scholarly content happen online every day. Altmetric tracks a range of sources to capture and collate this activity, helping you to monitor and report on the attention surrounding the work you care about. BJS articles are automatically included in this service when they are published.

Kudos is a web-based service that helps researchers and their institutions and funders to maximize the visibility and impact of their published articles. Kudos provides a platform for assembling and creating information to help search filtering, for sharing information to drive discovery, and for measuring and monitoring the effect of these activities. This service is available to BJS authors free of charge.
Get new content alerts

To keep up to date with BJS articles and issues being published please click on the link and go to Get New Content Alerts under Journal Tools at the top left-hand corner.

ReadCube is a next-generation article reader and citation manager. Whilst keeping the clear layout and simple design of the standard PDF, PDFs opened in the ReadCube Enhanced PDF format, feature hyperlinked in-line citations and clickable author details, allowing quick look up and cross reference. This is available for all BJS articles.
Promotional toolkit

We provide a one-stop shop for helping authors promote their work. Following this road-map will make a huge difference to the impact of your published BJS article.
Register for your ORCiD iD

ORCiD iD is a unique and persistent identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and connects you to your research activities, so you always get the credit for your work.