The international surgical journal with global reach

Snapshot quiz (August 2021 [2])

Published: 11/04/2021

Authors: Samà L and Bonvalot S

A solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) was suspected considering the large draining vessels, and the diagnosis was confirmed by preoperative core needle biopsy (CNB). Chest CT was negative. The multidisciplinary team decided to manage with preoperative chemotherapy (at first anthracycline, then pazopanib), resulting in stable disease. Intraoperative findings confirmed the CT images. The diameter of neovessels was up to 1.5 cm. The en bloc surgical resection was complete. SFT represents a mesenchymal fibroblastic tumour, potentially malignant, with typical CT findings (hypervascularized mass, prominent feeding vessels). However, in cases of intra-abdominal tumour (primary or after surgery), CNB is mandatory to confirm the diagnosis.