Case of coconutention (January 2023 [2])
A 56-year-old man presented with a 2-day history of severe abdominal pain, anuria, and absolute constipation. Abdominal CT showed a large foreign body in the rectum, which compressed the prostatic urethra, causing urinary retention. A coconut was removed from the rectum via exploratory laparotomy.
Colonic lipoma (January 2023 [1])
A 46-year-old woman presented with abdominal pain. A computed tomography scan found colonic intussusception. She underwent a laparoscopic colectomy at which a giant lipoma was found.
Taenia saginata: unexpected finding during laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (October 2022 [1])
While performing the jejuno-jejunal anastomosis during a laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass to treat morbid obesity, a yellowish filamentous structure appeared from the bowel lumen. It was removed, and subsequent microbiological analysis reported it to be a Taenia saginata (a tapeworm).
Colostomy granulomas, not always what they seem (July 2022)
A 53-year-old patient with a history of Crohn’s disease had experienced painful bleeding from colostomy granulomas for 7 years. Repeat biopsies diagnosed a stomal adenocarcinoma; multiple previous biopsies had been negative for malignancy. A left colectomy was performed. Definitive histopathology showed a mucinous pT2N0 adenocarcinoma with a complete resection.
Snapshot quiz (March 2022)
A 60-year-old man presented with acute epigastric pain and diarrhoea. His medical history included chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with recent exacerbation for which he was taking glucocorticoid therapy. What is the name of the clinical sign found on CT scan and correlated intraoperatively?
Snapshot quiz (September 2021 [1])
A middle-aged man presents with a long history of rectal bleeding and intermittent constipation. What is shown in this intraoperative image?
ViewScientific Surgery
Authors: Mora-López L, Ruiz-Edo N, Estrada-Ferrer O, Piñana-Campón ML, Labró-Ciurans M, Escuder-Perez J et al.
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Authors: Rovers KP, Bakkers C, Nienhuijs SW, Burger JWA, Creemers G-JM, Thijs AMJ et al.
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Authors: Kemeny NE, Chou JF, Capanu M, Chatila WK, Shi H, Sanchez-Vega F et al.
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Authors: Cheung XC, Fahey T, Rogers AC, Pemberton JH, Kavanagh DO
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Authors: Di Buono G , Buscemi S, Cocorullo G, Sorce V, Amato G, Bonventre G et al.
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Authors: Cheng Z, Dong S, Bi D, Wang Y, Dai Y, Zhang XM et al.
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Authors: Zhu D, Xia J, Gu Y, Lin J, Ding K, Zhou B et al.
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Authors: Watanabe J, Ishibe A, Suwa H, Ota M, Fujii S, Kubota K et al.
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Authors: Santos A, Mentula P, Pinta T, Ismael S, Rautio T, Juusela R et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Azhar N, Johanssen A, Sundstrom T, Folkesson J, Wallon C, Korner H et al.

Snapshot quiz (July 2021)
What has caused the stricture in the small bowel and what has developed in the lumen of the bowel as a result?