This is the Scientific Surgery Archive, which contains all randomized clinical trials in surgery that have been identified by searching the top 50 English language medical journal issues since January 1998. Compiled by Jonothan J. Earnshaw, former Editor-in-Chief, BJS
Long-term outcomes of a randomized controlled trial of single-incision versus multi-port laparoscopic colectomy for colon cancer. Ann Surg 2021; 273: 1060-1065.
Published: 4th November 2021
Authors: Watanabe J, Ishibe A, Suwa H, Ota M, Fujii S, Kubota K et al.
Oncological outcomes at five years were similar in this study that included 200 patients: relapse-free survival - hazard ratio 1.37, 95 per cent confidence interval 0.58 to 3.24, P=0.48; overall survival - 1.39, 0.44 to 4.39, P=0.57.
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