Scientific Surgery
Authors: Balvardi S, Pecorelli N, Castelino T, Niculiseanu P, Alhashemi M, Liberman AS et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Marinez C, Bock D, Erestam S, Engström A, Kälebo P, Nielsen Y et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Meyerhardt JA, Shi Q, Fuchs CS, Meyer J, Niedzwiecki D, Zemla T et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Jayne D, Scholefield J, Tolan D, Gray R, Senapati A, Hulme CT et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Gavaruzzi T, Pace U, Giandomenico F, Pucciarelli S, Bianco F, Selvaggi F et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Hajibandeh S, Hajibandeh S, Maw A
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Kafka-Ritsch R, Zitt M, Perathoner A, Gasser E, Kaufman C, Czipin S et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Basany EE, Solis-Pena A, Pellino G, Kreisler E, Fraccalvieri D, Muinelo-Lorenzo M et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Lee YS, Kim JH, Kim HJ, Lee SC, Kang BM, Kim CW et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Quenet F, Elias D, Roca L, Goere D, Ghouti L, Pocard M et al.
Snapshot quiz (March 2021 [1])
A 30-year-old woman presented with a history of abdominal pain for 8 days. The pain was initially in the right lower abdomen, but had become generalized 2 days before admission. On examination, she had generalized peritonitis. She had no co-morbidity and came from a North Indian village. At emergency surgery, there was a giant perforation in the caecum with most of the caecum thickened and gangrenous. What caused this presentation?
ViewScientific Surgery
Authors: Biondo S, Trenti L, Espin E, Bianco F, Barrios O, Falato A et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Mäkäräinen-Uhlbäck EJ, Klintrup KHB, Vierimaa MT, Carpelan-Holmström MA, Kössi JAO, Kairaluoma MV et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Chen B, He Y, Xiao Y, Guo D, Liu P, He Y et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Rørvik H, Campos AH, Styr K, Ilum L, McKinstry GK, Brandstrup B et al.
Scientific Surgery
Authors: Andre T, Meyerhardt J, Iveson T, Sobrero A, Yoshino T, Souglakos I et al.
Snapshot quiz (February 2021)
A 31-year-old woman with a long history of bowel symptoms presented with a tender abdominal mass. After CT she underwent an urgent colectomy. What is the likely diagnosis?
ViewScientific Surgery
Authors: Arezzo A, Forcignanò E, Bonino MA, Balagué C, Targarona E, Borghi F et al.